2013년 11월 6일 수요일

The da Vinci Robotic Surgical Assisted Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Technical Development and Case Report

Brief review

로봇수술기기인 다빈치를 이용해 전방경유 요추 유합술을 시행한 case에 대한 보고와 기술적 방법에 대한 내용 입니다
기존의 개복수술시보다 다빈치 카메라를 이용했을 때, 다각도로 시야확보가 가능해 디스크 내부공간이나 주변의 구조가 더 잘보여 효과적이라는 결론 입니다.

*Title: The da Vinci Robotic Surgical Assisted Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Technical Development and Case Report
다빈치 로봇수술기기 유도 하 전방경유요추유합술: 기술적 개발과 증례보고

*Author: William J. Beutler, Walter C. Peppelman, Jr, Luciano A. DiMarco

Study Design
Technique development to use the da Vince Robotic Surgical System for anterior lumbar interbody fusion(ALIF) at L5–S1 is detailed.

To evaluate and develop the da Vinci robotic assisted laparoscopic anterior lumbar stand-alone interbody fusion procedure.

Summary of Background Data
The da Vinci robot provides intra abdominal dissection and visualization advantages compared with the traditional open and laparoscopic approach.

-Development the surgical techniques using the da Vinci robot continued to progress with placement of fusion cage in a human cadaver, completed first in the laboratory setting and then in the operating room.

-Finally, the first patient with fusion completed using the da Vinci robot–assisted approach is presented.

-Blood loss: minimal.
-Visualization(inside the disc space & surrounding structures):
Using the da Vinci robot > open and laparoscopic techniques.

The da Vinci robot Surgical System technique is now described for the transperitoneal approach to the anterior lumbar spine.

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