2014년 9월 10일 수요일

Oswestry Disability Index is a better indicator of lumbar motion than the Visual Analogue Scale

The Spine J에 9월에 게재된 논문 입니다. 일상생활을 하는데에 있어 불편함 정도를 나타내는 ODI와 허리와 다리의 통증지수를 나타내는 VAS를 비교하여 어떤것이 요추의 움직임을 나타내는 지표로서 더 적절한 평가도구인지를 평가하는 연구 입니다.
VAS보다 ODI가 요추 움직임을 나타내는 임상평가항목으로서 더 적절하다는 결론 입니다^^
링크 타고 가시면 전문 보실 수 있습니다~

*Title: Oswestry Disability Index is a better indicator of lumbar motion than the Visual Analogue Scale.
일상생활 장애지수(ODI)는 통증지수(VAS)보다 요추의 움직임을 나타내는 지표로서 더 좋다.
*Authors: Ruiz FK, Bohl DD, Webb ML, Russo GS, Grauer JN

The utility of various outcome measures that are used in both research and clinical practice have been studied, but the connection with range of motion (ROM) has not been well documented.

To assess objectively the postulated correlation of lumbar complaints (based on standardized outcome measures) with extremes of lumbar ROM and functional ROM (fROM) with activities of daily living (ADLs) as assessed with an electrogoniometer.

clinical cohort study

Subject: undergo a lumbar intervention (injection, decompression, and/or fusion)

1) Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
2) Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)
-for axial extremity, lower extremity, and combined axial and lower extremity

-Pain and disability scores were assessed with the VAS score and ODI.
-Electrogoniometer was used to measure ROM (extremes of motion in three planes) and fROM (functional motion during 15 simulated activities of daily living).
-Pain and disability scores were analyzed for statistically significant association with the motion assessments using linear regression analyses.

Subjects: 28 men and 39 women
Average age: 55.6 yrs(18-79 yrs)

-The ODI and VAS were associated positively (p<.001).
-Combined axial and lower extremity VAS scores were associated with lateral and rotational ROM (p<.05), but not with flexion/extension or any fROM.
-Similar findings were noted for separately analyzed axial and lower extremity VAS scores.
-ODI correlated inversely with ROM in all planes, and fROM in at least one plane for 10 of 15 ADLs (p<.05).

-Extremes of lumbar motion and motions associated with ADLs are of increasing clinical interest.

-ODI appears to be a better predictor of these motion parameters than the VAS (axial extremity, lower extremity, or combined) and may be more useful in the clinical setting when considering functional movement parameters.

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