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결론부터 말하자면, 경추체 제거술 후의 수술결과와 합병증(pseudarthrosis)에 흡연여부가 유의하게 영햐을 미친다는 내용 입니다.
흡연여부에 따라 피험자를 비흡연자/ 끊은지 최소 1년이상된 자/ 흡연자 의 3그룹으로 나누었고, 이 피험자들의 30일이내 합병증 발병, 출혈량, 재원일수 등의 항목을 조사하였습니다.
결과적으로 흡연여부는 더 높은 합병증 발병률, 더 긴 재원일수에 영향을 미치는 risk factor로 밝혀졌으며, 감염 및 pseudarthrosis등의 합병증 발병에 특히 영향을 미친다고 합니다.
흡연의 해로움을 객관적 데이터로 보여준 논문입니다.
*Title: The
effects of smoking on perioperative outcomes and pseudarthrosis following
anterior cervical corpectomy.
경추체 제거술 후의 수술결과와 위관절증에
*Authors: Lau D, Chou D, Ziewacz JE, Mummaneni PV
*Bibliography: J Neurosurg Spine. 2014 Oct;21(4):547-58.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable
morbidity and death in the US and has been associated with perioperative
-To examined the effects of smoking on perioperative
outcomes and pseudarthrosis rates following anterior cervical corpectomy.
adult patients underwent anterior cervical corpectomy (2006~2011)
1) nonsmokers
2) quitters (quit for at least 1yr)
3) current smokers
analysis: using multivariate analysis
(To define the relationship between smoking and blood
loss, 30-day complications, length of hospital stay, and pseudarthrosis)
▶Total 160
patients were included in the study.
(nonsmokers 49.4%, quitters 25.6%, current smokers 25.0%)
complication rate: 20.0% (pseudarthrosis: 7.6%)
blood loss: 368.3ml
length of stay: 6.5days.
smoking status was significantly associated with higher complication rates (p
< 0.001) and longer lengths of stay (p < 0.001).
smoking status remained an independent risk factor for both outcomes.
The complications that were experienced in current
smokers were mostly infections (76.5%).
(Significantly greater than in nonsmokers and quitters (p
= 0.013))
smoking status was also an independent risk factor for pseudarthrosis at 1-year follow-up (p =
Smoking is independently associated with higher
perioperative complications (especially infectious complications), longer
lengths of stay, and higher rates of pseudarthrosis in patients undergoing
anterior cervical corpectomy.